Monday 5 November 2012

What to leave out,that's the problem.

I’ve been working on this weekend’s short story course and getting into a tizzy.
 It’s always so hard to decide what to leave out! I’ve covered every inch of surface space with paper. I think it’s probably best to stop for now and come back to it tomorrow.
I had a call from the estate agent in Exeter who says contracts should be exchanged this week with completion next week. I’m going to wait before putting the champagne on ice!
I’m starting to wonder if NOT moving might be a good idea as the market seems to be rather flat. Also, a TO LET sign has gone up in the house next to the one I was hoping to buy. I’ve lived in rented property myself, and know plenty of other people who rent property (I wouldn’t mind living next to any of them) but it still feels a bit dodgy, especially as I have no idea what kind of landlord the owner will be. I also wonder whether that would affect the value of the house next door, i.e. mine!
As I can’t do anything until Exeter completes, that gives me some time to think.
I’m expecting a man to call any minute. He left a survey with me, and a monitor to track my movements over the last ten days. I had to take the monitor with me. I haven’t been out much so I’m not sure what it will be able to tell them.
I ALWAYS do surveys when somebody comes to the door.. A – I like the company, B – I like to think that they would let me in if it was ME calling on them. It must be a horrible job, especially when the weather’s dodgy.
Once he’s gone, I might just tinker with my cat story. At least then I’ll feel I’ve done something positive.

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