Tuesday 13 November 2012

A little bit of lots of different things

First thing this morning, I went through the box of paperwork regarding my mother, searching for any written evidence to show that she needed nursing as opposed to simply residential care. 
I’d meant to do it last night, but as contracts were exchanged on the sale of the Exeter house yesterday I didn’t want to spoil the day.
As always, looking back through the files was upsetting but it had to be done. I’m trying to claim back some or all of the care home fees under a no win no fee arrangement with a firm of solicitors who specialise in that area. As I paid more than £23,000 in fees after she died, the incentive to try this is quite high, to say the least.
I sorted through everything and ended up with some paperwork that I needed to get copied.
I had an appointment with my solicitor at 10.30. In order to complete the sale, I had to swear an affidavit regarding the service road that backs on to the Exeter house. That done, I called into Good Neighbours where I bought another brick (they’re building an extension so are selling ‘bricks’ for £20 each)  and got the photocopying done.
Back home to find that while I was out, the last batch of competition entries had been returned to the depot as I wasn’t in to receive them.  They’re being re–delivered on Saturday so I’ll probably spend the weekend with my judge’s hat on.
I then bought a new freezer from Argos. As plans to move are currently on hold (nobody’s shown any interest in buying my  house) I want to change things round in the room I work in so that it’s more of an office. Currently, it has a fridge freezer in it, and I’m working facing the wall. I’m hoping that by putting a freezer upstairs, I can then move the desk in front of the window and that will make me feel more comfortable. It’s hard to explain, so I won’t even try. All I will say is that I haven’t really felt at home in this room and I need to try and sort that out.
I tackled a couple of email assignments from the Writers Bureau, did a review for  Julia Douglas’s book  – Nashville Cinderella – as the author had sent me a copy, then took a break and had a session on the Wii machine. I haven’t used the Wii fit for months and really want to get back into it as it’s a great way to increase my fitness, especially in the weeks when I don’t have any dogs to walk.
It’s coming up to eight now, so I’m going to finish another email assignment then call it a day.
It’s important to try to get some kind of balance into my life. Working too long and too hard is actually counter–productive, at least for me it is.
Right now I’m relishing the repeats of Life on Universal channel. It’s one of my all time favourite TV programmes and I adore every part of it. IMO Damian Lewis has never been better. If you’ve never seen it, give it a go. It’s brilliant.

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